3 Tips For Designing Sidewalk Enclosures for Small Cafes

Small cafes are unique, charming, and often the heart of a community. They offer a cozy retreat where people can enjoy coffee, catch up with friends, or simply watch the world go by. However, space can often be a limiting factor for these beloved establishments, especially in bustling cities like New York.

So, how can you extend your seating capacity and create a comfortable, year-round outdoor atmosphere? The answer lies in designing custom enclosures in NYC.

These enclosures offer an innovative solution to this common challenge. They expand your cafe’s space and enhance its visual appeal, attracting more customers.

Here are some things to remember when designing sidewalk enclosures for small cafes.

Maximize Space Efficiency

Making the most of small spaces is crucial when designing sidewalk enclosures for cafes in New York City. It’s important to think about how to use every inch wisely. Consider compact designs that can fit more seats when planning your custom enclosure.

But remember, you also want to keep your customers comfortable. Be sure to leave enough room for people to move around easily. You don’t want your cafe to feel crowded or make it hard for people to walk on the sidewalk.

So, balance is key. More seats mean more customers and more customers mean a more successful cafe. But always keep your customers’ comfort in mind. A well-planned, efficient layout can make your small cafe feel spacious and inviting.

Ensure Visibility

Visibility is a major part of any design plan. When creating custom enclosures in NYC for your small cafe, it’s vital to pick materials and designs that let people see your cafe from the street and inside the enclosure. Clear materials such as glass or transparent vinyl are excellent for this.

Clear enclosures can also make your cafe look bigger and more welcoming. People walking by can see your cafe’s warm, inviting atmosphere and might be tempted to step in for a coffee. Those sitting inside the enclosure can still enjoy watching the buzz of the city around them.

Easy Accessibility

When designing your sidewalk enclosure, you must consider how people will get in and out. You want your cafe to be welcoming to everyone, so it’s important to make your entrances and exits easy to use. 

For people with disabilities or mobility issues, an accessible entrance is not just a convenience but a necessity. Ensure that your entrances and exits comply with accessibility standards, such as having ramps instead of stairs and wide enough doors for wheelchair access.

But even for able-bodied customers, easy accessibility can make a big difference. Nobody wants to struggle to get in or out of a cafe, especially if their hands are full with a hot cup of coffee. So, make sure your entrances and exits are user-friendly for everyone.

Looking for Custom Enclosures in NYC?

If you want to add more appeal and comfort to your cafe, it’s time to invest in custom enclosures in NYC. Contact us to learn more!